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One of my Mottos


I have several mottos around the office and in life, but one of them I find myself using a lot is this.

What do I mean by this? Well, we never know what might actually help us or our loved ones feel better in the moment. A client or parent might say they have an idea or noticed something that helped, but it's too silly.


Ok, maybe it IS silly or seems embarrassing, but if it is what you need to use until something else comes along, then so be it.

If you are an upset parent and need to hold the sheet of paper with phrases you are trying to use while setting a it.

If playing air guitar for your favorite song helps distract you...go for it.

If keeping deflated balloons everywhere because your child will do deep breathing to try and blow up a balloon then ha e it makes the strange sound after to let the air out...keep a bag of balloons.

If sneaking off to look at cute animal photos you have saved on your phone for 2 minutes helps relieve stress (this one is mine)... Then who cares if it would be embarassing. As long as it helps, then its not silly.

What is an example of a "silly" thing tat helps you?


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